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Since 1994, Chinese Culture and Education Services (CCES) has been collaborating with Missouri Botanical Garden to produce the Chinese Culture Days program to celebrate Chinese culture. Every year, we mobilize hundreds of volunteers to produce the program that fills with colorful Chinese pageantry, art, music, dance, history, legends, and food.


We typically open this springtime event with a 70-foot dragon, lion dancers, waist drummers, and folk dancers.
This two-day event includes acrobatics, theater, martial arts, Chinese calligraphy, painting, tai chi, tea tasting, cooking demonstrations, and children’s programs.

This event is a wonderful opportunity for our neighbors to get acquainted with Chinese culture and heritage through a
fun-filled, yet educational program in the beautiful Missouri Botanical Garden.

Please feel free to visit Missouri Botanical Garden's Media Room: Chinese Culture Days

to get a feel for what this program looks like.

Directions to the Botanical Gardens can be found here.

Chinese Culture Days

Other Programs

To drive community unity and better leverage resources and talents in the greater St. Louis area, we seek opportunities to extend our reach by supporting programs from other organizations that are compatible with our mission.

With this direction, we made a sizable donation to St. Louis Modern Chinese School in 2012 to help fund the purchase of their 45,000 sq ft facility and their commitment to establishing a Chinese Culture Center to offer various culture programs to foster multiculturalism and diversity in St. Louis community.


In collaboration with a few local Chinese organizations, we provided interactive programs to St. Louis Magic House Children of China exhibit from February to August in 2015.  We also worked with Magic House to feature the Chinese New Year Celebration on January 28, 2017.


Under this direction, backed with our belief that “Together, We Can Make a Bigger Difference”, we intend to continue our effort in seeking other opportunities to further extend our mission.


Inspired to Make a Difference

Chinese Culture and Education Services


P. O. Box 185, Chesterfield, MO 63006-0185, USA

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